Traditional eastern medicine practitioners believe the human body has more than 2,000 acupuncture points connected by meridians. The life force (or energy), a.k.a. Qi, flows through the body along these meridians, and disruption of the flow can cause pain and illnesses. By applying acupuncture needles to certain points, it improves the flow of Qi and overall health. Modern studies have revealed that acupuncture points stimulate the central nervous system and releases bio-chemicals which stimulate the body's natural healing abilities and promote physical and emotional well-being.
Herbal therapy is one of the most widely used traditional eastern medicine treatment modalities in the treatment and prevention of various illnesses. Herbal medicine, individually customized by a national board-certified herbalist using only natural ingredients, is available in the form of decoction, capsules and tea pills. When used in conjunction with acupuncture, herbal therapy can expedite the process of healing.
Facial acupuncture is a part of a whole-body experience that can restore balance, treat symptoms, and address any underlying conditions that may be contributing to stress, anxiety, insomnia, poor digestion, and headaches. It nourishes the skin from the inside out, helps with complexion promoting natural glow, encourages collagen production, and minimizes wrinkles.
Cupping therapy has been used for thousands of years to ease back pain, neck pain, headaches and other problems. By creating a suction force to pull blood into the area, it not only stimulates the natural healing process, but also clears the pores and releases toxins.
The AcuGraph digital imagining system is a computerized tool that analyzes "energetic neural pathways" in the body. "Qi" is no longer an ancient myth with AcuGraph, as it measures and visualizes electrical skin resistance at major acupuncture points, and creates graphical presentations of your current state of health. Each exam is recorded and allows us to have a running history to show you the progress of our treatment. The 5-minute examination is included in your initial consultation, and causes no pain or discomfort.
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